
About Bhutan

 Nature in all its grandeur and unspoiled virginity extant in Bhutan even today. The dragon motif is inextricably woven into the mythology and folklore of this wonderful Nation. But the Bhutanese dragon does not spitfire, instead symbolizes the peaceful aspect of the country and its people. The nation can be called nature’s veritable paradise on earth- a poet’s dream come alive.

Exploring the mesmerizing Land of the Thunder Dragon where the Dragon King rules supreme is a once-in-a-lifetime experience. If the imagination of wandering around the narrow and twisted roads of the high hills gives you goosebumps, no place could be better than Bhutan. Bhutan is one of those countries that measure their development on the basis of happiness instead of income. Just being in this tiny landlocked Himalayan nation will give your mind a sense of peace.

Within this small area, Bhutan Tour comprises so many historical places that have great religious and cultural importance. The experience of adventures and sightseeing tours to Bhutan is second to none. We are excited to share our tour packages that take you deep inside the nation and make the most out of your time.

Culture and People of Bhutan

Bhutan is a serene place where the holy monasteries, lush valleys, majestic mountains, and pristine rivers hold a lot more than what we see with our eyes. The culture and tradition of Bhutan fascinate everyone who comes across it. Bhutan Culture is mostly about festivals, architecture, food, and traditional dress. The culture of the Bhutanese people is very much influenced by sacred Buddhist values.

You will be fascinated by the way Bhutanese get married. Marriage is not considered a big deal and the wedding ceremony is kept simple. Facts- marriage among cousins is very common in Bhutan. Also, in some parts of the county, the groom goes to his wife's home and not the other way around. Here, death only means passing on one life to another, i.e. re-birth.

Talking about festivals, Bhutan tradition celebrates many festivals year-round. Tshechu is a major festival that is celebrated for 3-4 days. Bhutanese culture mandates that people wear traditional dress on special occasions and in government offices. Men wear 'Gho' and women dress in 'Kira' during special days.

Landscape of Bhutan

Bhutan is mostly about rugged mountains, enchanting valleys, winding rivers, colorful lakes, tall shady trees, and exquisite flowers. On the world map, Bhutan is a tiny speck with an area of 46,000 square kilometers. Bhutan mountains have contiguous borders with Tibet in China and the lowlands are connected with India.

Bhutan landscape stretches between 88°45 minutes to 92°10 minutes east longitude and 26°45 minutes and 28°30 minutes north latitude. From the foothills skirting right to the plains of India to the snow-clad eastern Himalayan, Bhutan is itself a unique package. If you cross the northern half of the country, you can encounter a series of valleys separated by mountain ranges. Except for the foothills upward, the entire country is a crisscross of ranges and valleys. This mountainous terrain results in a variety of climates ranging from tropical to extreme cold. The diversity will just mesmerize you.

History of Bhutan

The early history of Bhutan is steeped in myth and remains obscure. Evidence shows that the region has been settled first in 2000 BC. According to a legend, the Cooch-Behar king, Sangaldip ruled the country around the 7th century BC. But Bhutan's history after the introduction of Tibetan Buddhism to Bhutan in the 9th Century is rather distinct.

It’s one of those lands where the king still rules his people. Even so, people enjoy their political rights and total freedom. The freedom of Bhutan has been suffered for a long time and it has never been colonized. The Bhutanese state had developed a distinct national identity based on religion where the territory was composed of many fiefdoms and the county was governed as a Buddhist theocracy. After the 19th century civil war, the House of Wangchuck reunited the country and ruled as Bhutan King. 

In 2008, the country shifted from an absolute monarchy to a constitutional monarchy. In that very year, the first election to the National Assembly was held in Bhutan. The Bhutan king and queen are loved and respected by the people in the Bhutan Kingdom. 

Religion of Bhutan

The predominant religion in this country is Buddhism, followed by Hinduism. Approximately 75% of the Bhutan People are Buddhist and 23% of the total people in Bhutan are Hindu. You can also see some Muslim followers (0.2% of the whole country's population) and 0.4% of other religions.

People live by their religious values and show deep respect for their gods and deities. Hence, there is no dearth of beautiful white monasteries, chortens, shakings, etc in the country. The hillside is covered in colorful prayer flags. In many places of the country, you will see the Dzong which is a unique combination of a fortress and a monastery. You will see the Bhutanese Buddhist monks living in monasteries located high in the mountains and leading a very simple life since childhood.

On the other hand, Hindu people have a little different cultural practice and their own heritages. But it's amazing that all Bhutanese people show absolute respect for the religion and lifestyle of other people. They show respect to every individual and celebrate each other's festivals. The religious harmony in Bhutan is just WOW.

Best Time to Visit Bhutan

Thankfully, Bhutan has a moderate kind of temperature throughout the year. Bhutan tour itineraries can be arranged at any time of the year and enjoy the perks of a different climate. Spring and autumn, mostly from March to May, and September to November are considered the best time in Bhutan. The Bhutan weather is mostly stable during this time of the year. Autumn in Bhutan means a clear sky and better view while Spring visit is accompanied by beautiful blooms of wildflowers.

Winter, January, and February is a month when it gets colder and snowy in the mountains of Bhutan. But in the lower areas of the country, the winter in Bhutan is mild and still warm. Although you cannot aim for high altitude trek, winter is great for sightseeing tours. On the other hand, the summer in Bhutan marks the monsoon season when most of the countries enjoy the train. However, there are areas where there is little to no rain, even in the monsoon, and it is still possible to travel without disturbance. Basically, you can visit Bhutan just when you feel like visiting. 

Best Places to Visit in Bhutan

The major places in Bhutan are situated in the western and central regions, mostly around Paro, Thimphu, and Punakha. It’s where one will find the iconic Buddhist sites, Stunning Himalayan view, and the cultural heart of Bhutan. Here is a list of the most famous places to visit in Bhutan, the last great Buddhist nation. 

  • Thimpu (The capital and largest city in the kingdom)
  • Buddha Dordenma Statue
  • Taktsang Monastery
  • Paro Valley
  • Rinpung Dzong
  • Chele La Pass
  • Punakha Dzong
  • Phobjikha Valley
  • Chomolhari
  • Jigme Dorji National Park

How to apply Visa to Bhutan?

Before you plan to apply for a visa to Bhutan, there are certain things you should know. Bhutan has severe restrictions on independent traveling due to the country’s policy of environmental tourism. It's compulsory to pre-book your tour before you fly to Bhutan. So the first thing you need to do is know where in Bhutan you plan to travel and then book your tour packages accordingly. 

Once you book the tour, the tour operator does every arrangement for you, including applying for a Bhutan visa. You need to provide a scan of your passport, and the company will make an application on your behalf. They will also arrange all the permits you will need for your tour. Once you get the visa approval letter, you can book your flight to the kingdom. You will get your visa and permits once you land in Bhutan’s Paro International Airport. Your tour guide and personal driver will meet you at the same airport and take you where your itinerary says. The procedure is quite easy once you book the tour. The same procedure is applied to Bhutan Visa from Nepal. 

Why Bhutan Tour?

We must say that Bhutan Tour is amongst the most unique tour in the world. If you have plans to witness the best things in the world, your journey wouldn't be complete without embarking on the awesomeness of the Bhutan tour. This small, Himalayan kingdom with historical, religious, and adventure-filled attractions has so many stories to tell. Its awe-inspiring mountainous landscape makes it the perfect canvas for photographs and painting. And the charm is matched by the vibrant culture and Bhutanese. The Tour to Bhutan takes you to a place that is so welcoming and so warm that you will literally feel blessed to learn about their life. Bhutan is a land of peace and happiness. Isn't that everything we are all looking for?

Nepal to Bhutan tour is short, easy, and yet very unique. You can take any of the Bhutan tour packages and just get on the plane to Bhutan.
